Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Morris County Personal Trainer Carey Yang to Speak on 7 Steps to Jump-Start New Year’s Resolutions on Fitness and Weight Loss
Morris County Personal Trainer Carey Yang will present a Fitness Seminar titled “New Year, New Body, New You: 7 Easy Steps to Jump-Start Your New Year’s Resolutions” on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 7:00 pm. This will take place at Rockaway Township Free Public Library in Rockaway, New Jersey.
DENVILLE, NJ -- December 21, 2009 – After busy holiday shopping and feeling stressed out over the year, the average Americans who struggle with the challenge of weight gain and eating healthy would soon realize that it’s the time of the year again – making New Year’s resolutions.
Residents in Morris County area now can learn valuable tips and strategies to overcome the obstacles from achieving their goals in health and fitness. Morris County personal trainer Carey Yang will present a Fitness Seminar on “New Year, New Body, New You: 7 Easy Steps to Jump-Start Your New Year’s Resolutions.”
If the history is repeating itself, the two-thirds of Americans who are already struggling with their weight are likely to put on another 10 to 15 pounds by the New Year. “This is a year-after-year vicious cycle. People gain weight during the holiday season and try to lose weight throughout the year. Most people fail in their effort for the same reason. They quit in the first month at the first sign of self-defeating setback. They end up with net weight-gain of 5 to 10 pounds a year. Gradually, they’re 10, 20, then 30 pounds, or more,” says Yang, a fitness and nutrition expert based in Denville, New Jersey.
Yang says, “The percentage of Americans who break their new year’s resolutions by the end of January is 36% according to a study by the University of Scranton. By the end of June, only about half still stays the course.” “The truth is that most people make the same old New Year’s resolutions that never worked for them. Again, they keep making the same ones but expecting different results,” says Yang. “This is really an interesting human behavior.”
“The keys to making successful New Year’s resolutions are making the right, healthy and challenging goals backed up with daily, weekly, monthly and yearly action steps,” Yang says. “Support system is very important in helping you stay on track. It could be an accountability partner, workout buddy, personal trainer or coach, mastermind group, or online community.
In this special fitness and wellness seminar revealing real secrets to weight loss, body transformation, nutrition and personal success, the attendees will learn:
• The 3 myths about the New Year’s Resolutions
• Top 10 common reasons why most fitness and nutrition programs fail
• The vicious diet cycle
• 5 keys to transforming your body in record time
• Why is this year different from the past?
An Open Forum Q&A Session will follow at the end of presentation.
This seminar will be held at Rockaway Township Free Public Library, 61 Mount Hope Road in Rockaway, New Jersey on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Snow day is Thursday, January 21 at the same time. The seminar is free and open to the public. Registration in person or by phone is required (973-627-2344).
About C. Carey Yang
C. Carey Yang, Your Dream Body WorkoutXpertTM, is a certified personal trainer and fitness boot camp instructor based in Denville, New Jersey. He provides in-home personal fitness training, backyard boot camp, wellness and lifestyle coaching, and fitness and weight-management seminar. He specializes in helping busy, working professionals who want safe, effective workouts with maximum results in minimum time. Yang is the creator of the 6-Step Dream Body BlueprintTM Body Transformation System.
To learn more about lifestyle and wellness coaching, personal fitness training and nutritional counseling and to sign up for a free monthly e-zine, receive free fitness and fat loss e-books, and schedule a complimentary consultation, visit
He is also available for media interviews, providing a list of tips and articles, and presenting wellness and fitness seminar. Call 973-303-2424 or email
# # #
Contact Information:
C. Carey Yang
Phone: 973-303-2424
Thursday, December 17, 2009
If You Just Have to Read One Weight-Loss Book
S.P.E.E.D. which stands for Sleep, Psychology, Environment, Exercise, Diet, is the comprehensive approach based on the Bio-Psycho-Social Model. What all that really means is that this book digs deep into how to reduce your body-fat and finally debunking some of the common weight loss myths. Jeff and Matt cover why proper sleep is vital to weight loss, why your mindset matters the most, why exercise is overrated and much more.
Speed: The Only Weight Loss Book Worth Reading!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Being a Picky Eater Can be Good during the Holidays
This advice was meant well with good intention, considering economic situations many, many years ago. Now, we're living in a world of abundance - abundant foods and excess calories that contribute to unhealthy weight gain.
So if you're having a family get-together over the holidays, think twice of the old advice. Before you sit down to chow, "survey" the foods to be served including drinks, appetiziers, entries, deserts, etc.
Instead of eating everything, choose a few (hopefully balanced out with good carb, vegetables, lean protein and essential fats) that you really like and enjoy them.
Leave some room (discretionary calories) for special dishes that you can only have during the holidays.
Practice mindful eating. Take time to chew and bite. Engage in meaningful conversations with friends and family. You'll be likely to feel full longer.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Eat Carb to Lose Weight and Slim Down
The whole weight-loss equation is not just about carb, protein or fat and their proportion. It's all about creating caloric deficit through proper nutrition, regular exercise and workout.
When you cut out carbohydrates too much, you also miss out many nutrients. It tends to backfire. It deprives your body and mind (brain) of critical energy sources.
Bread contains carbohydrates that boost brain chemicals to curb overeating.
Pasta has a high fluid content kepping you satisfied longer.
Potato forms resistant starch - fiber that burns fat.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
What Can We Learn from Coffee Stocks?
According to a recent study by Harvard Medical School researchers, drinking coffee could help to cut the risk of advanced prostate cancer.
This is contradictory to a statement by The Prostate Cancer Charity which would not
that men cultivate a heavy coffee drinking habit on the back of this research.
Up to now, the researchers are still not sure unsure which components of coffee might have a positive effect.
It is known to contain many biologically active compounds, such as minerals and antioxidants, which limit damage to the tissues caused by the release of energy in cells.
The coffee intake of nearly 50,000 men every four years from 1986 to 2006 was documented and studied.
More work is needed before any conclusion can be drawn about the beneficial effects of coffee.
"Our results do suggest there is no reason to stop drinking coffee out of any concern about prostate cancer," said to Dr. Wilson.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
The One Rule for Holiday Diet Damage Control
When you follow a very strict diet, you're more vulnetable to temptation and give in in the end. You'd indulge and gain weight - not the ideal scenario.
So what's the number one rule for holiday diet damage control?
Eat the foods you love but in moderation.
Stay tuned... more tips to come.
Eat Your Way to Lowering Cancer Risk
Americans tend to eat too many inflammation-promoting omega-6s and too few heart-healthy omega-3s fatty acids.
For the healthiest ratio, eat fewer omega-6-abundant processed foods. Eat more natural sources of omega-3s such as leafy greens, grass-fed beef, and fatty fish.
Monday, November 30, 2009
New Jersey Fitness Expert to Host a Community Seminar on Holiday Nutrition Makeover
Personal trainer Carey Yang of Denville, NJ will host a Community Seminar titled, "Holiday Nutrition Makeover: How to Drop 7 Pounds in This Holiday Season While Still Enjoying Your Favorite Holiday Treats” on Wednesday, December 16 from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Panera Bread, 3056 Rt. 10 West in Denville.
DENVILLE, NJ -- November 30, 2009 -- Thanksgiving feasts and shopping sprees just kicked off the most stressful holiday season of the year. Do not let the stress and unwanted holiday weight-gain spoil your cheerful spirit in this joyful holiday season.
If the history is the guide, the average Americans who are already struggling with their weight are going to pack on another 10 to 15 pounds by the New Year. “This is a year-after-year vicious cycle. People gain weight during the holiday season and try to lose weight throughout the year. Most people fail, so they end up with net weight-gain of 5 to 10 pounds a year. Gradually, it’s 10, 20, then 30 pounds, and more. This has to stop. It hurts people’s health and adds up health-care cost,” said Carey Yang, a fitness and nutrition expert based in Denville, New Jersey.
The most troubling trend is the fact that 50% of American adults are dieting all the time, but only 3% will achieve lasting results. 97% of weight loss plans fail in the long term. “Dieting or starving is not the solution to permanent, successful weight loss. It’s doing more harm than good,” Yang said.
Yang will present a special Community Seminar titled, “Holiday Nutrition Makeover: How to Drop 7 Pounds in This Holiday Season While Still Enjoying Your Favorite Holiday Treats.”
In this seminar, Yang will share his years of training and coaching experience. The attendees will learn and share:
• Why nutrition is so important in fitness and weight loss
• Why most fitness and nutrition programs fail
• How to snack timely to accelerate weight loss
• How to eat more strategically to lose more weight
• Top 8 most effective and efficient holiday workout
This seminar will be held at Panera Bread, 3056 Rt. 10 West, Denville, New Jersey on Wednesday, December 16 from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Registration is $15 with the Morris County Fitness and Weight Loss Meetup Group by visiting
About C. Carey Yang
C. Carey Yang, Your Dream Body WorkoutXpert(TM), is a certified personal trainer and fitness boot camp instructor based in Denville, New Jersey. He provides in-home personal fitness training, backyard boot camp, wellness and lifestyle coaching, and fitness and weight-management seminar. He specializes in helping busy, working professionals who want safe, effective workouts with maximum results in minimum time. Yang is the creator of the 6-Step Dream Body Blueprint(TM) Body Transformation System.
To learn more about lifestyle and wellness coaching, personal fitness training and nutritional counseling and to sign up for a free monthly e-zine, receive free fitness and fat loss e-books, and schedule a complimentary consultation, visit
He is also available for media interviews, providing a list of tips and articles, and presenting wellness and fitness seminar. Call 973-303-2424 or email
# # #
Contact Information:
C. Carey Yang
Phone: 973-303-2424
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Holiday Nutrition Makeover Seminar
Holiday Nutrition Makeover Seminar
Morris County Fitness and Weight Loss Group will be holding next monthly meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 16 from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Panera Bread, 3056 Rt. 10 West in Denville.
The feature presenation is "Drop 7 Pounds in This Holiday Season: How to Enjoy the Holiday Treats and Still Lose Weight" by fitness expert Carey Yang.
For details and to RSVP, visit Call (973) 303-2424 for more information.
C. Carey Yang
(973) 303-2424
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Denville Fitness Expert to Present 7 Steps to Maximizing Your Metabolism
Personal trainer Carey Yang of Denville, NJ will present a Fitness Seminar titled, "Nutrition Formula for Fitness Success: How to Master Your Metabolism to Burn Fat 24/7" on Wednesday, November 18 from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Panera Bread, 3056 Rt. 10 West in Denville.
DENVILLE, NJ -- November 16, 2009 -- With holidays fast approaching, the average Americans who are already struggling with their weight will pack on another 10 to 15 pounds by the New Year. “It doesn’t have to be this way. Anyone can actually lose weight over the holiday season,” said Carey Yang, a fitness and nutrition expert based in Denville, NJ.
The most troubling trend is the fact that 50% of American adults are dieting all the time, but only 3% will achieve lasting results. 97% of weight loss plans fail in the long term. “Dieting or starving is not the solution to permanent, successful weight loss. It’s doing more” Yang said.
“Although knowing your caloric intake and expenditure is important,” Yang says. “The key to permanent weight loss is to have an efficient and healthy metabolism to burn through the calories.”
Poor eating habits, unhealthy lifestyle and stress contribute to hormonal imbalance and metabolism deficiency. “Instead of being used as energy to revitalize your body, food is stored as excess fat in unwanted areas,” Yang said.
Yang will present a special Fitness and Wellness Seminar titled, “Nutrition Formula for Fitness Success: How to Master Your Metabolism to Burn Fat 24/7.”
In this seminar, Yang will share his years of training and coaching experience and case studies. The attendees will learn:
· Why nutrition is so important in fitness and weight loss
· Symptoms of poor nutrition
· Why most fitness and nutrition programs fail
· The "correct" nutrition formula
· Food 101
· 8 Keys to fitness success
· Balanced meals
Carey Yang is a certified personal trainer and fitness expert locally based in Denville. A lifetime athlete, fitness enthusiast, personal trainer and wellness coach, Yang has transformed himself and helped many others to lose weight, get fit and stay healthy even after 40. He is committed to sharing his expertise and passion in health and fitness with the community - one at a time. He’s regularly featured in the media for his business, training, and community program.
This seminar will be held at Panera Bread, 3056 Rt. 10 West, Denville, New Jersey on Wednesday, November 18 from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm. RVSP is required by visiting
About C. Carey Yang
C. Carey Yang, Your Dream Body WorkoutXpertTM, is a certified personal trainer and fitness boot camp instructor based in Denville, New Jersey. He provides in-home personal fitness training, backyard boot camp, wellness and lifestyle coaching, and fitness and weight-management seminar. He specializes in helping busy, working professionals who want safe, effective workouts with maximum results in minimum time. Yang is the creator of the 6-Step Dream Body BlueprintTM Body Transformation System.
To learn more about lifestyle and wellness coaching, personal fitness training and nutritional counseling and to sign up for a free monthly e-zine, receive free fitness and fat loss e-books, and schedule a complimentary consultation, visit
He is also available for media interviews, providing a list of tips and articles, and presenting wellness and fitness seminar. Call 973-303-2424 or email
# # #
Contact Information:
C. Carey Yang
Phone: 973-303-2424
Monday, November 09, 2009
Cheat Your Way Thin In This Holiday Season
For the next few days my good friend and fat loss “guru” Joel Marion is giving away his brand new “Holiday Fat Loss Black Book” exclusive report for F.REE.
Yes, LOSE weight during the holidays. No catch. No credit card info. Just flat out awesome fat loss information.
Join 74,193 others by grabbing Joel's new top-secret report, The Holiday Fat Loss Blackbook for FREE! You'll also receive access to an exclusive webinar with Joel's client who managed to LOSE 30 lbs and drop 8 dress sizes during the holidays last year
Download it for free here. Click here.
The page will be coming down in just a couple of days, so if you want to get your hands on this information for F.REE, make sure you visit the site right now.
The link again is here. <------- F.REE Download. You’ll definitely thank me for this one :-)
Talk to you soon,
Your Dream Body WorkoutXpert
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Denville Personal Trainer to Speak on Nutrition Formula for Fitness Success
Fitness Expert Carey Yang, of Denville, will present "The Nutrition Formula for Fitness Success: How to Master Your Metabolism to Burn Fat 24/7!" on Wednesday, Nov. 18 from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Panera Bread, 3056 Rt. 10 West in Denville.
In this special seminar revealing real secrets to weight loss, fitness and body transformation, the attendees will learn:
* Why nutrition is so important in fitness and weight loss
* Symptoms of poor nutrition
* Why most fitness and nutrition programs fail
* The "correct" nutrition formula
* Food 101
* 8 Keys to fitness success
* Balanced meals
Registration is $15. For details and to RSVP, visit Call Carey Yang at (973) 303-2424 for more information.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
How to Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days The Wrong Way
Allow me to share the story with you.
Two years ago, my life was turned upside down from my wife's breast cancer scare.
Although it turned out to be okay, the two long months of testing, waiting for unknown, the anxiety, fears and worst-case scenarios ran through my mind 24/7!
It really consumed my body, my mind and my spirit.
As a personal trainer, I would never think that this is my biggest enemy, not the dumbbells.
This Sunday, we'll sponsor Team Rx for Balance to support the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.
Please join us to help raise awareness, and help more women live longer, healthier and happier lives. Please help fight breast cancer by joining Team Rx for Balance, or making a donation online.
Any amount will help! Even $5, $10, or $20 WILL make a difference.
Please watch this short video for more details:
I hope you will CHOOSE to make a difference!!
You're invited to walk with me and family this Sunday.
The 5 K walk begins at 10:00 am (registration at 8:00 am).
Mack-Cali Business Campus
One Campus Drive
Parsippany, NJ
Making Strides Againist Breast Cancer
Monday, October 05, 2009
Denville Personal Trainer Carey Yang to Speak on Keys to Transforming Your Dream Body in Record Time
Keys to Transforming Your Dream Body in Record Time
Fitness Expert Carey Yang of Denville, NJ will present a Fitness Seminar titled, "5 Keys to Transforming Your Dream Body in Record Time!" on Wednesday, October 21 from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Panera Bread, 3056 Rt. 10 West in Denville.
DENVILLE, NJ -- October 5, 2009 -- The frustrated Americans who are struggling with the yo-yo weight gain-and-loss, health problems and life changes will learn the five most important elements to transform their body into really great shape on Wednesday, October 21 at 7:30 pm in Denville, New Jersey.
Denville fitness expert Carey Yang will present a Fitness and Wellness Seminar titled, “5 Keys to Transforming Your Dream Body in Record Time: How to Reclaim Your Attractive, Healthy, and Energetic Body Once and for All.”
In this seminar, Yang will share his years of training and coaching experience and case studies. The attendees will learn:
* The 10 common reasons why most fitness programs fail
* The 5 steps to transforming your body in record time
* How to manage your expectation
* Why some people succeed while many ‘spin their wheels’ repeating failure over and over again
Carey Yang is a certified personal trainer and fitness expert locally based in Denville. A lifetime athlete, fitness enthusiast, personal trainer and wellness coach, Yang has transformed himself and helped many others to lose weight, get fit and stay healthy even after 40. He is committed to sharing his expertise and passion in health and fitness with the community - one at a time. He’s regularly featured in the media for his business, training, and community program.
This seminar will be held at Panera Bread, 3056 Rt. 10 West, Denville, New Jersey on Thursday, October 21 from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Admission is $15. RVSP is required by visiting
About C. Carey Yang
C. Carey Yang, Your Dream Body WorkoutXpert(TM), is a certified personal trainer and fitness boot camp instructor based in Denville, New Jersey. He provides in-home personal fitness training, backyard boot camp, wellness and lifestyle coaching, and fitness and weight-management seminar. He specializes in helping busy, working professionals who want safe, effective workouts with maximum results in minimum time. Yang is the creator of the 6-Step Dream Body Blueprint(TM) Body Transformation System.
To learn more about lifestyle and wellness coaching, personal fitness training and nutritional counseling and to sign up for a free monthly e-zine, receive free fitness and fat loss e-books, and schedule a complimentary consultation, visit
He is also available for media interviews, providing a list of tips and articles, and presenting wellness and fitness seminar. Call 973-303-2424 or email
# # #
Contact Information:
C. Carey Yang
Phone: 973-303-2424
6 Simple Steps to Live to 100
I'm more concerned about living a quality life with no financial worries than living a long-life with poor health and finance.
Dr. Mao of Yahoo! Health offers his 6 steps to live to 100. Read the full story here.
The quick steps are:
- Dink more water
- Eat like a contenarian
- Restore with regular rest
- Take the stairs
- Manage your stress
- Detoxifying your surroundings
Sounds simple and easy, huh?!
Visit to sign up for FREE e-books and special reports to help you build muscle, burn fat and uncover your six pack abs.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Godfather of Fitness Jack LaLanne Turns 95
In case you don't know, "jumping jack" exercise was named after him. He's the godfather and the most influential person of modern fitness industry. Without Jack there wouldn’t have been Jane Fonda, Richard Simmons, Denise Austin, Kathy Kaehler, Jillian Michaels, or Carey Yang.
Jack is as tough as ever before.
Visit to sign up for FREE e-books and special reports to help you build muscle, burn fat and uncover your six pack abs.
It's Never Too Late to Get Your Body Back - Watch a 74-Year-Old Champ
Hope it gives you the inspiration and motivation.
STOP making excuses.
Anyone can stay young and healthy.
Just keep pumping and get pumped!
Visit to sign up for FREE e-books and special reports to help you build muscle, burn fat and uncover your six pack abs.
reBlog from Laynie - The Marketing Muscle: MarketingMuscle in Oz
I found this fascinating quote today:
"Reduced sleep duration has become a common aspect of the westernised lifestyle, defined by physical inactivity and overeating," Dr. Plamen Penev, from the University of Chicago, told Reuters Health. "Diet-induced weight loss is a major behavioral strategy for metabolic risk reduction. However, whether it is effective during times of reduced sleep duration is unknown.Laynie - The Marketing Muscle, MarketingMuscle in Oz, Oct 2009
You should read the whole article.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Burn More Calories by Lifting Weight
Adding weight or losing weight is a simple matter of calorie surplus or deficit.
For a long time, we know that the calorie burned in a weight training session is most likely less than that of a cardio session. But we also know that the EPOC (excess post-workout oxygen consumption) effect for an intense weight training session could elevate basal metabolic rate and keep calorie burning for as long as 48 hours. This is the so called "after burn" effect.
A recent study showed that the caloric expenditure from a weight training session is higher than the researchers originally estimated.
Reference: Contribution of anaerobic energy expenditure to whole body thermogenesis, Christopher B Scott, Nutrition & Metabolism 2005, 2:14
"It has been concluded from exercise oxygen uptake-only measurements that a one-set circuit weight training regimen consisting of 8 exercises was 15 kcals short of meeting the energy expenditure criteria for a healthy lifestyle in men (i.e., 150-200 kcals per exercise session). However, these criteria would appear to have been met if an estimate of rapid glycolytic ATP re-synthesis were included with the exercise oxygen uptake measurements. Depending on the size of the exercising muscle mass, my students and I have found blood lactate contributions to a single bout of weight training exercise (i.e., 1 set) to range from 3 to 12 kcalories in men; a minimal contribution of 3 kcal per exercise would result in an increase in energy expenditure of almost 25 kcal for this weight training circuit.The use of both an anaerobic estimate and an aerobic measure of energy expenditure would provide support for regular circuit weight training as an effective method of obtaining a healthy lifestyle in men. The anaerobic energy expenditure component needs to be large to make a significant contribution to total energy expenditure and this is best seen during brief heavy to severe exercise (total energy expenditure includes exercise anaerobic and aerobic energy expenditure and an acute measure of EPOC)"
It implis that a circuit of 8 exercises has been shown to burn about 135 calories when using a measure of oxygen uptake (how we classify caloric burn of aerobic work).
But when you add the Rapid Glyoclytic ATP Resynthesis, you will burn another 3 to 12 calories per single set, or 24 to 96 calories per 8 exercise circuit. Therefore, a circuit of eight exercises could result in a total energy expenditure of 159 to 231 calories (and note that an eight exercise circuit would take around 8-12 mins or so).
The study looked at weight training using a 15-rep max. It wouldn't be hard to assume that a heavier load could burn more calories per set. You would burn more calories during free weight training because of greater overall muscle recruitment but this has been ignored up until now.
Even you want to lose weight, combining strength training with cardio exercise will give you the maximum fat burning 24/7. And the program would really help you shape up to a nice figure, not just a smaller version of your former self.
Visit to sign up for FREE e-books and special reports to help you build muscle, burn fat and uncover your six pack abs.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Jump Start Your Weight Loss Journey with a Nutritive Cleanse and Detox
This is not your fault, my friend.
In the modern world, our diet is often so rich in processed foods and deficient in fiber and vital nutrients. Our body has become less efficient in digesting foods and converting them into energy to fuel our body and maintain cellular functions.
Slowly and surely your body builds up "sludge" inside. The sludge consists of accumulated toxins and food wastes that stay never get flushed out of your body. The "sludge" has slowed down every system in your body. It makes your body almost impossible to release stored bodyfat. Sludge has caussed you to age faster and feel older and less energized than you should.
More than 70% of Americans and Canadians are clinically constipated. That means their colons are storing fecal matter that could be years old. In fact, the normal adult stores more than 5 pounds of fecal matter in their colon at any given time.
If you eat 3 meals a day and you only poop once a day (or less), where do you think the rest of this matter goes? The truth is, it compresses down, excreting any liquid and then packs onto the walls of your colon, eventually forming polyps or herniating through your colon wall creating pockets.
You’ll never lose weight efficiently, you’ll never have loads of energy and your metabolism will never become powerful enough to burn off that stubborn fat until you get rid of this built-up fecal matter.
When Do You Need Internal Cleansing?
How do you know when it's time to free your body of accumulated toxins and other waste materials with a cleanse?
If you experience one or more of the following, then it's time to detoxify:
- Frequent tiredness and low energy
- Flatulence, gas & bloating
- Impaired digestion
- Irritability, mood swings
- Bad breath & foul-smelling stools
- Occasional constipation
- Protruding belly ("pooch")
- Powerful food cravings
- Skin problems
- Metallic taste in mouth
Cleaning out your system first before your starting your weight loss makes whole dieting process easier and smoother along the way.
Many health experts recommend cleansing as a normal, preventive practice. It's a simple and gentle way to get rid of any junk food dependencies or bad habits. A good cleansing and detox regiment helps maintain a healhty weight without feeling deprived.
The easiest way to do this is either through a series of colonics, which is never a pleasant experience but quite effective, or by consuming things like warm water with a little concentrated lemon juice and cayenne pepper. If you do this a few times each day, it’s going to increase the strength of your colon walls, and increase the rate at which you defecate, cleaning your entire digestive system, adding energy to your day and health to your metabolism.
You cannot expect to improve your metabolism, lose weight permanently or drastically increase your energy level without first cleaning your system.
So How Do You Properly Cleanse and Detox Your Body?
Here is a 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse program that may help you cleanse and detox your body.

As opposed to many far too aggresive program on the market, Young Living's 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse is a more gentle, progressive approach. The nutritive cleanse includes the following:
- NingXia Red: an energerzing, replenishing, whole wolfberry nutrition infusion providing your body with the nutrition it needs during the cleansing process.
- Balance Complete: a nutrient-rich fibers providing
- Digest+Cleanse(TM): essential oil blend in softgels promoting healthy digestion and eliminating the discomfort that may arise from an increase in fiber intake.
Balance Complete delivers eleven grams of fiber per serving, is low in calories, high in nutritients, and has appetite-suppressing ingredients that leave you feeling full and satisfied hours after drinking it. Two ounces of NingXia Red taken with each Balance Complete shake adds a sustained energy boost.
The ingredients in Digest+Cleanse(TM) are all proven to have calming effects on the digestive system. Lemon oil, another key ingredient in Digest+Cleanse, has an equally long history. Jean Valnet, famous medical doctor and practitioner of aromatherapy, says lemon oil stimulates gastrohepatic and pancreatic secretions.
Other supportive oils in Digest + Cleanse such as ginger, fennel, and anise, have a long tradition of cleansing and improving digestive function. They are reported to soothe the bowel, improve elimination, and activate various digestive organs.
When taken 30 to 60 minutes before each Balance Complete shake, it greatly increases the effectiveness and comfort of the 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse.
For more information, visit for Item No. 3296.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Bridal Shape Up Testimonial for Denville Personal Trainer Carey Yang
"100% wedding-dress confident. Carey helps me get into the best shape of my life and ready for my wedding!"
To shape up and look my best for my wedding, I trained with Carey for about 3 months. The results are better than I expected. In addition to the hard-core workout with Carey, I learned valuable nutritional education, diet plan and healthy eating habit. I lost a couple of inches on my thighs, my arms, and around my waist and got rid of some cellulite in my trouble area. I have dropped 6 to 7% body fat just in time to fit my wedding dress perfectly. It’s not always easy as I was so busy with work and wedding planning. I wanted to quit so many times. But Carey is always enthusiastic and energetic. He encourages me and helps me get back on track. His workout routines are always innovative and effective that I feel refreshing and every muscle is working hard all the time. I feel particularly confident and strong from the fusion workout mixed in kickboxing, yoga and Pilates. I highly recommend Carey if you want to see results. – Elizabeth M., Parsippany, NJ
![]() |
100% Wedding-dress Confident |
Interested in shaping up before your wedding or reunion?
Call 973-303-2424 or email to book your complimentary consultation and Let me help you look your best on the the big day!
Train with the Best!
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Fitness Expert Carey Yang to Speak on Fit for Success: How You Can Shift Your Mindset and Transform Your Body to Change Your Life and Accelerate Your
Fitness Expert Carey Yang to Speak on Fit for Success: How You Can Shift Your Mindset and Transform Your Body to Change Your Life and Accelerate Your Success
Fitness Expert Carey Yang of Denville, NJ will present a Fitness and Wellness Seminar titled “Fit for Success in 28 Days or Less: How You Can Shift Your Mindset and Transform Your Body to Change Your Life and Accelerate Your Success” on Thursday, September 17 at 7:00 pm at Rockaway Township Free Public Library in Rockaway, New Jersey.
Denville, NJ, August 30, 2009 -- The average Americans who struggle with the challenge of weight gain, health problems and life changes will learn valuable tips and strategies on Thursday, September 17 at 7:00 pm in Rockaway, New Jersey.
Denville fitness expert Carey Yang will present a Fitness and Wellness Seminar on “Fit for Success in 28 Days or Less.” In this seminar, he will share strategies with the audience on how to have a healthy mindset and attitude to lose weight, get fit and really transform their body and the benefits of changing their life and accelerating their personal and business success.
Carey Yang is a certified personal trainer and fitness expert locally based in Denville. A lifetime athlete, fitness enthusiast, personal trainer and wellness coach, Yang has transformed himself and helped many others to lose weight, get fit and stay healthy even after 40. He is committed to sharing his expertise and passion in health and fitness with the community - one at a time. He’s regularly featured in the media for his business, training, and community program.
Many Americans feel exhausted and drained by the endless to-do lists in their calendar. Living healthy and getting fit may be one of their top priorities but is often pushed down to the bottom of the list.
A lot of driven people see career success and fitness success as competing goals. It’s either one or the other, but not both. “This is a faulty mindset. You cannot swap your health for career success. You don’t want to win the career race but die on the health finish line. That’s not success, but sacrifice,” Yang says. “I see some of my mid-40 friends advancing their careers and making a lot of money by sacrificing their health and fitness in the past 20 years. They have a lot of money in the bank, but their life is miserable. Now they have to use the money they earn to make up for the time and health they lost. That is sad.”
Yang says, “You can’t sacrifice your health and fitness for your career success. They are the foundation of your being. Without health, you have nothing. Without good health, how can you enjoy the wealth you have built?”
In this special fitness and wellness seminar revealing real secrets to weight loss, body transformation, nutrition and personal success, the attendees will learn:
- The #1 myth of that forever last 10 pounds: Why losing 10 pounds is not the right goal to set and that's why you never get it
- Healthy and powerful mindset for permanent weight loss and fitness
- The best exercises to help you lose weight, tone up your arms, and slim down your waist
- No-nonsense eating strategies that work for you - no special diet required
- Why your health and fitness can help you achieve career and personal success
An Open Forum Q&A Session will follow at the end of presentation. The participants will receive a free copy of Special Report "How to Build Your Dream Body in 6 Easy Steps" and Fat-Burning Food Guide.
This seminar will be held at Rockaway Township Free Public Library, 61 Mount Hope Road in Rockaway, New Jersey on Thursday, September 17 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. The seminar is free and open to the public. Registration in person or by phone is required (973-637-2344).
About C. Carey Yang
C. Carey Yang, Your Dream Body WorkoutXpert(TM), is a certified personal trainer and fitness boot camp instructor based in Denville, New Jersey. He provides in-home personal fitness training, backyard boot camp, wellness and lifestyle coaching, and fitness and weight-management seminar. He specializes in helping busy, working professionals who want safe, effective workouts with maximum results in minimum time. Yang is the creator of the 6-Step Dream Body Blueprint(TM) Body Transformation System.
To learn more about lifestyle and wellness coaching, personal fitness training and nutritional counseling and to sign up for a free monthly e-zine, receive free fitness and fat loss e-books, and schedule a complimentary consultation, visit
He is also available for media interviews, providing a list of tips and articles, and presenting wellness and fitness seminar. Call 973-303-2424 or email
Media Contact:
C. Carey Yang
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Denville Personal Trainer Carey Yang Leads a Fitness Boot Camp to Build a Fit and Healthy Community
Denville Personal Trainer Carey Yang Leads a Fitness Boot Camp to Build a Fit and Healthy Community
Personal Trainer Carey Yang of Denville, New Jersey is featured in Daily Record’s Parsippany This Week. In the cover story, Yang shares why and how he leads the Morris County Fitness Boot Camp to help local residents lose weight and get fit toward a healthy lifestyle.
DENVILLE, NJ -- August 25, 2009 – Carey Yang, a certified personal trainer and fitness boot camp instructor based in Denville, New Jersey, is featured in the cover story of Daily Record’s Parsippany This Week. “I am honored to be featured in Daily Record. It tells a great story about how I help build a fit and healthy community through my fitness boot camp,” says Yang, known as “Your Dream Body WorkoutXpert.”
In this interview, Yang shares his passion about helping people achieve their health and fitness goals. Fitness boot camp is great format to reach more people and help more people in a fun, effective and affordable way.
Yang says I have been thinking for a while as to how to help the community and spread the message in leading a healthy, active and performance lifestyle. I found a strong need for a local support group in the area of healthy living, fitness and weight management. I quickly organized and started a Morris County Fitness and Weight Loss Meetup group. After the first group meeting, we decided to start weekly fitness boot camp class. Our group has grown steadily to 34 members.
The group meets once a week in an outdoor park. The members learn and share their experiences, challenges, solutions, and strategies followed by a group exercise session. The group training is a whole-body workout session using body-weight-based exercises, dumbbells, kettlebells, exercise bands and natural terrains in the park. “The group dynamic is empowering and synergistic,” Yang says. “The camaraderie is there motivating everyone to do more and keep it going – something you can’t achieve by yourself.”
Many people come to the boot camp class seeking motivation, support and alternative way of exercising. It delivers exactly they need. As one member put it, “Carey’s boot camp class is a far more enjoyable and effective experience than ‘packed like sardines’ aerobic classes or un-motivating solo-workout in the traditional gym environment.”
Another boot camp member says, “I’m not big on exercise. I never was. It’s a hard thing for me to do. Attending Carey’s boot camp helps me make the exercise enjoyable and gives me a little push.”
“We are a small group of people who are getting fit outdoors together and have fun at the same time.” says a happy boot camper. “I can feel every muscle is targeted. Carey is very encouraging and helpful. I'm looking forward to bringing more of my friends to the boot camp. Carey is Parsippany's best kept secret!”
The fitness boot camp is open to the public for a very affordable $10 per session and on a pay-as-you-go basis. It’s held in the Veterans Memorial Park on Rt. 46 East at Vail Road in Parsippany. Visit for more information about the group and boot camp class schedule.
About C. Carey Yang
C. Carey Yang, Your Dream Body WorkoutXpertTM, is a certified personal trainer and fitness boot camp instructor based in Denville, New Jersey. He provides in-home personal fitness training, backyard boot camp, wellness and lifestyle coaching, and fitness and weight-management seminar. He specializes in helping busy, working professionals who want safe, effective workouts with maximum results in minimum time. Yang is the creator of the 6-Step Dream Body BlueprintTM Body Transformation System.
To learn more about lifestyle and wellness coaching, personal fitness training and nutritional counseling and to sign up for a free monthly e-zine, receive free fitness and fat loss e-books, and schedule a complimentary consultation, visit
He is also available for media interviews, providing a list of tips and articles, and presenting wellness and fitness seminar. Call 973-303-2424 or email
Read the full feature article from PTW/Daily Record online edition at
# # #
Contact Information:
C. Carey Yang
Phone: 973-303-2424
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Kettlebell Fat Loss Circuit Training Workout Routine 2
Denville NJ Personal Trainer Carey Yang demonstrates a kettlebell workout you can do at home or in your backyard.
Perform the following 5 exercises as a circuit workout.
1. 2-KB Squat
2. 2-KB Push and Press
3. 2-KB Alternating Bent-Over Row4
4. 2-KB Biceps Curl and Triceps Kickback
5. 1-KB Alternating Swing
Pick kettlebells that are challenging enough for you to do 8 to 20 reps or for one minute for each exercise. Do 3 to 5 sets.
Visit to sign up for FREE e-books and special reports to help you build muscle, burn fat and uncover your six pack abs.
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get notified of the next FREE workout video uploaded .
Monday, August 17, 2009
Kettlebell Fat Loss Circuit Training Workout Routine 1
Denville NJ Personal Trainer Carey Yang demonstrates a kettlebell workout you can do at home or in your backyard.
Perform the following 5 exercises as a circuit workout.
1. 1-KB Squat
2. 1-KB Clean and Press
3. 1-KB Lat Row
4. 1-KB Rear Delt Fly
5. 1-KB Swing
Choose one kettlebell that is challenging enough for you to do 8 to 20 reps or for one minute for each exercise. Do 3 to 5 sets.
Visit to sign up for FREE e-books and special reports to help you build muscle, burn fat and uncover your six pack abs.
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get notified of the next FREE workout video uploaded .
Friday, August 14, 2009
Can Exercise Make You Thin?,8599,1914857,00.html
Many fitness and health related professionals have voiced their rebuttals. Honestly, ask yourself this. Can exercise make you thin?
Research studies are fine. But do we need them to tell us the known facts in spite of contradictory findings?
Back to the question. As I told my clients or anyone who wants to lose weight, you can't violate the first law of energy balance. If you burn off the calories (through your basic body needs and other physical activities and exercises) more than you take in, you'll lose overall weight; and vice versa.
Sometimes, research studies are so nuances that serve no good for practicality.
The largest sports medicine and exercise science organization in the world, ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine), finally issued a press release to formally debunk the myths about weight loss and exercise in response to overwhelming questions and phone calls.
Read the ACSM press release here.
In summary, according Dr. Timothy Church, MD, PhD, the article should have touched the following areas:
- Weight maintenance is different from weight loss, and should have been discussed. Virtually all people who lose weight and keep it off are exercising to maintain weight.
- Comments about children and physical activity were misleading. Studies have shown that kids are not necessarily more active after school (and therefore need good in-school physical education program), and that the focus with children should be on physical activity and prevention of excess weight gain. (Adults, however, more often must deal with losing excess weight.)
- Exercise and diet go together. Weight management is most successful when careful attention is given to both physical activity and proper nutrition.
ACSM experts stressed that, particularly when so many struggle with the health consequences of overweight and obesity, it is important that Americans have accurate information based on science and evidence.
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Is Motivation Overrated?
In my private training or boot camp classes, many clients and members initially came to me or the group with the hope of getting motivated.
I realize that most people know they need to exercise, eat healthy, etc, etc, etc. You set the goals in New Year vowing to exercise more and eat better. Then one by one, people start to slack off. Only half people are still on some type of program and routine by June.
So the question is why you can't motivate yourself to do what you want to do? Why some people can stick to it and some fall off the wagon so soon?
Is your mindset to blame?
How an you harness your brain power to become an unstoppble self-motivator?
There are two motivators that we do what we do or don't do.
1. To avoid pain (fear of failure)
2. To gain pleasure (promise of reward)
You are naturally geared toward one of these motivators. To figure out which, think of the last time you accomplished a task and then ask yourself the following: While doing the task were you thinking about what would happen if you failed to finish, or were you thinking about what you would gain when you finished? Take note as to which motivator works for you - fear of failure, or promise of reward.
Set Your Goal
The first step toward unstoppable motivation is to determine your goal. You know for example, that you're unhappy with your body, but what exactly do you want to change? Why is it important to you?
Perhaps you can relate to one of the following goals.
- You need to lose weight for your health. Your doctor scared you straight or maybe you've had a recent health problem that landed you in the hospital. Your goal is to move away from the pain of sickness.
- You want to look and feel incredible. You've always wanted to feel vibrant and attractive. The idea of having more energy really excites you. Your goal is to move toward the pleasure and reward of a fit body.
- You're worried about your kids. They don't eat enough vegetables, they drink more soda pop than water and they play video games constantly. You have decided to model a healthier lifestyle and to encourage your kids to participate. Your goal is to move away from the risks of a sedentary lifestyle and to propel your kids toward a healthy future.
Train Your Mind for Weight Loss
With your clear and important goal in mind, let's take a few minutes to train your mind to achieve it. You know that weight loss comes as a result of eating right and regular challenging exercise, so let's use your mind to conquer both.
Eating Right: Use this exercise to distance yourself from the self-sabotaging foods you really wish you didn't eat, and to naturally begin selecting healthy foods. Take a moment to review your current eating habits. Identify the foods that you should stop eating (hint: sweets, anything fried, refined carbohydrates, sugary drinks). Identify the worst food that you eat regularly but know you shouldn't. Now imagine the healthy foods that you should eat (hint: vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein). Identify the healthiest food that you know you should eat regularly.
Now with the image of these two foods in mind, find a quiet place and do the following exercise (seriously this stuff works).
- Draw up the image of your unhealthy food item. This image will likely be quite vivid, with smell, taste and bright color. In your mind, fade this picture to black and white and distance the image until it is dull, fuzzy and remote.
- Draw up the image of your healthy food item. This image will likely be fuzzy and faded. In your mind, bring this picture to life with smell, taste, sound and bright color.
Regular Exercise: This technique can be applied in a way that encourages you to crave exercise rather than avoid it.
Take a moment to imagine how you feel after a great workout (notice the emphasis on the word after). Remember the physical satisfaction as well as the sweet feeling of accomplishment.
Now bring to your mind the aspects of exercise that you dislike. What is your biggest reason for avoiding exercise? Are you too tired? Do you not have enough time? Is physical exertion too much of a hassle? Pinpoint your greatest complaint about exercise.
Now with the image of these two aspects of exercise in mind, find a quiet place and do the following exercise.
- Draw up the image of your exercise complaint. The image is likely to be clear and accompanied by the sounds, smells and sensations. In your mind, fade this picture to black and white and distance the image until it is dull, fuzzy and remote.
- Draw up the image of the wonderful feeling you have after accomplishing a great workout. Magnify this image in your mind. Fixate on how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally. View the experience in bright colors and add a sound track of inspirational music.
Why It Works
If this was your first experience with training your mind (also called Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP) it may have felt a little odd. Many of the world's top achievers regularly use techniques like these to accomplish astounding goals. The techniques above work because they train your mind to bring your behavior in line with your values. Think about it, you value health, you desire to be fit and attractive and you want to instill healthy habits in your kids. These techniques encourage you to avoid self-sabotage and to make choices that line up with what you truly value.
Now that you are ready to accomplish your goals, the next step requires action.That's where we come in. You see, our clients have taken the step foward to keeping themselves accountable to their goals with our help. The only difference between you and our hundreds of success stories is that they took action. They made the call that changed their lives and helped them to feel successful. Make the call to us today and feel successful.
>>> Sign up for FREE monthly e-Newsletter to receive insider training tips, workout routines and check out your FREE bonus e-books to help you build muscles, lose fat and uncover your six pack abs.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Denville Personal Trainer Helps Build a Healthy and Fit Community
Morris County Fitness and Weight Loss Meetup - Summer Fitness Boot Camp is the cover story Parsippany This Week, a weekly special to Daily Record.
See online weblink =>


The following is the cover story text from Parsippany This Week by reporter and staff writer Vanessa Vera.
Lake Parsippany resident Lori Wink hasn't been to the gym she's a member of for months. The traditional gym environment is distracting, Wink, 37, said. And she doesn't like the indoor "stuffiness'' of gym facilities, aerobics classes that have patrons "packed like sardines'' and the solo factor of working out in a gym, Wink said.
"When you join a gym you're on your own. I belong to a gym, but there's nobody there to motivate me,'' she said.
But taking her first class with personal fitness instructor Carey Yang, 43, of Denville, was a far more enjoyable and effective experience for Wink, she said. Wink said she loved the class, and days later, "I'm still feeling it. No pain, no gain,'' she said.
Yang, who owns Carey for Fitness Personal Training, recently started a Summer Fitness Bootcamp class in Parsippany. The class, which meets for an hour Wednesday evenings at Veterans Memorial Park on Route 46 East and Vail Road, was borne of an online group he started on social networking web site allows people to form or join groups based on interests in a particular area.
Yang established his group - called Morris County Fitness and Weight Loss - this past spring. From there, he organized the group's first face-to-face meeting in mid June, and a week later, he held the first bootcamp class in the park.
Classes are $10 per session and are on a pay-as-you-go basis, Yang said. There is no registration or contract, and people are not required to be part of the online group which, Yang said, he originally formed as a support group to reach more people interested in weight loss and healthy living in a way that was affordable for them.
Though only a handful of the online group's 26 members have attended the bootcamp classes Yang recently started, his intentions from the beginning were to maintain a small class size - like a small personal training group, he said.
"I want a group class but, in the meantime, I also want to give each individual personal attention,'' he said.
Though the fitness classes are taught in bootcamp style, individuals work at their own pace and fitness level, Yang said. Eventually, he'd like to expand the class to three times a week - moving beyond "fitness training 101'' and "kicking up the intensity'' to see results. But, for beginners, the weekly class is a good way to teach students how to work out on their own, Yang said.
"At least once a week also provides some type of support, motivation and sharing,'' Yang said. "I think the group dynamic is great because people basically share their success stories, their challenges, and we can offer solutions to each other.''
Yang said he'd like his students to walk away from the class with "a healthy and powerful mindset and attitude ... and this group at least provides some motivation and information to keep them going.
Seeking a venue to pull her back into a fitness regimen is what drew Lake Parsippany resident Melissa Paszko, 40, to Yang's class.
Paszko, who said she has battled with weight throughout her adult life, lost 120 pounds through diet and exercise several years ago. But over the last few years she got out of her exercise routine and gained some of the weight back - something she was not happy about.
"I always felt better when I was working out five days a week,'' Paszko said.
When she read about Yang's class, she thought it would be fun. And after just one session, Paszko was already enjoying her workout, she said.
"When I left there, I felt that I had finally found something that was affordable, that I was really going to enjoy,'' she said. ""(Carey) was very encouraging; he was very helpful. I think it's going to be a plus in my life working with him.'
Lake Hiawatha resident Ruby Darmanin heard about Yang's class through She was looking for a workout venue that was inexpensive and close by, she said.
"I'm not big on exercise - I never was. It's a hard thing for me to do, not something I enjoy. So I need somebody to push me,'' Darmanin, who is semi retired and currently works part-time, said.
And Carey, she said, is enthusiastic. The classes are better than anything she's tried, including at gyms, which bore her to death, Darmanin said. ""Just having a person like (Carey) helps,'' she said.
Though weight loss would be an added benefit, Darmanin said it is not her main goal in working out. She simply wants to keep fit. And whether or not Carey's classes will prove successful for Darmanin, she said, is strictly up to her.
"I have to be more committed in order to stay in shape,'' she said.
For Lake Parsippany resident Danielle Stecky, daily walks around Lake Parsippany have gone a long way in keeping her fit. But she wanted to try something that would go a step further and help her loose inches around her stomach area and tone her muscles.
For years, Stecky actively did aerobics and weight lifting, but about five years ago she got out of that routine. Initially, when she heard of Yang's bootcamp, she wasn't sure it was for her, Stecky said. She thought it would be an intense class built for 18-year-olds where she wouldn't be able to keep up.
But after a phone conversation with Carey, he assured Stecky she could work at her own pace and she decided to try a class out.
At first, she thought the exercises and seemingly endless squats were too simplistic. But a day or two later, she was feeling the effects of the workout in her body - particularly in her legs - she said.
"It was a good experience and I do want to do it again,'' Stecky said. ""But I'm not going to do so many squats next time.''
Saturday, July 25, 2009
DIY Dumbbell Circuit Training Workout Routine 4
Denville NJ Personal Trainer Carey Yang demonstrates dumbbell workout you can do at home or in your backyard.
Perform the following 5 exercies as a circuit workout.
1. Close-grip Press (lying on Swiss ball)
2. Chest Flyes (lying on Swiss ball)
3. In-place Lunge & 1-DB Shoulder Press
4. Glute Bridge (feet on Swiss ball)
5. Roll-out (arms on Swiss ball)
Choose a pair of dumbbells that are challenging enough for you to do 10 to 15 reps for each exercise. Do 2 to 4 sets on non-consecutive days.
Visit to sign up for FREE e-books and special reports to help you build muscle, burn fat and uncover your six pack abs.
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get notified of the next FREE workout video uploaded .
Monday, July 20, 2009
DIY Dumbbell Circuit Training Workout Routine 3
Denville NJ Personal Trainer Carey Yang demonstrates dumbbell workout you can do at home or in your backyard.
Perform the following 5 exercies as a circuit workout.
1. Bulgarian Split Squat
2. Chest Press (lying on Swiss Ball)
3. 1-DB Lat Row
4. Shoulder Press (sitting on Swiss Ball)
5. Crunches (lying on Swiss Ball)
Choose a pair of dumbbells that are challenging enough for you to do 10 to 15 reps for each exercise. Do 2 to 4 sets on non-consecutive days.
Visit to sign up for FREE e-books and special reports to help you build muscle, burn fat and uncover your six pack abs.
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get notified of the next FREE workout video uploaded .
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Is Goal Setting Overated?
Many people make their New Year's Resolutions but fail to stick to the goals in a few months.
So why's that? Is goal setting overated? Why isn't it working for you?
What's the #1 key to fitness and weight loss success?
Is it dieting?
Is it weight lifting?
Is it interval training?
Is it low carb, low fat?
Or is it lifestyle?
These are all good and important elements. None of them is the difference that makes the difference if you miss this #1 key.
Even if I give the best physical training routine or nutrition program, what good is it if you cannot follow them?
Why do some people have the motivation to stick to their training and nutrition program, while some others fall off the wagon in a few weeks?
What makes the difference?
Tom Venuto, the author of the best-selling e-book Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle and the #1 best-seller The Body Fat Solutions, has launched a special project called Operation Motivation to help people resolve their goal setting issues and achieve the body they've always wanted.
OPERATION MOTIVATION is a set of short lessons in e-book and special report format, that explains all the psychological skills (the stuff that goes on in your head), that you need to learn in order to make permanent changes to your behavior and your lifestyle.
The new 50-plus-page e-book is titled The Science of Goal Achievement: 10 Secrets of Subconscious Mind Power and 7 Secrets of Scientific Goal Setting.
In this special e-book, you'll learn:
* MOTIVATIONAL PROPULSION SYSTEMS: How to program your mind to automatically and habitually exercise your body
* THE NEW VISUALIZATION BREAKTHROUGH: Take advantage of the mind- body connection with the techniques sports psychologists havebeen teaching for decades, along with 1 new twist.
* SUCCESS SEMANTICS: The psychological explanation for how words can enhance or destroy your health and how to turn failure talkinto success talk
* THE GOAL ACHIEVER'S SECRET WEAPON: How a cheap, portable little "tool" can install positive success programming into your mind
* END EMOTIONAL EATING: Eating to cope with stress, depression or other feelings, or eating for the wrong reasons can totally undermine the best nutrition plan. Learn the 5-step formula tostop it once and for all
* SELF IMAGE SECRETS: How the hidden image you hold of yourself in your mind is the prime reason for diet sabotage (and the same reason that 90% of lottery winners blow their winnings
This e-book and many follow-on lessons are only available to Tom' inner circle community and Burn the Fat client.
Now until Friday July 17 midnight, you'll have a chance to get this e-book for free if you purchase a copy of Tom's best-selling e-book Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle.
Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle is the "bible of fat loss" for tensof thousands of men and women in over 143 countries worldwide andif you don't have the book yet, then this is a better opportunity than ever because you now get the MOTIVATION package bonuses along with the original Burn The Fat program.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Denville Personal Trainer Launches an Outdoor Summer Fitness Boot Camp
Denville Personal Trainer Launches an Outdoor Summer Fitness Boot Camp
Personal Trainer Carey Yang of Denville, New Jersey, has launched an outdoor summer fitness boot camp designed for helping people adopt a healthy lifestyle, lose weight, get fit, and stay in great shape.
DENVILLE, NJ – July 1, 2009 – Carey Yang, a personal trainer and fitness coach based in Denville, New Jersey, has launched a fitness and weight-loss boot camp. “I have organized this fitness boot camp with the intention of helping more people in adopting an active, healthy lifestyle, lose weight, and get fit in a group setting,” says Yang, known as “Your Dream Body WorkoutXpert.”
Fitness boot camp is one of the best ways of training many people at the same time. The participants get motivation, inspiration, and support from the group members. They exercise together in a team environment under the supervision of an expert personal trainer and boot camp instructor.
“Fitness or weight-loss boot camp has been getting popular ever since the Biggest Loser reality show has been on TV,” Yang says. “When you exercise with a group of like-minded people, the energy is positive and contagious. You tend to do more and work harder. There’s always a little competition going on.”
Yang’s fitness boot camp integrates group exercise, nutrition system, health education, and lifestyle coaching. These are equally important elements to achieve a healthy and fit body and mind.
Far too many people, even smart people, make mistakes, get confused, or buy into quick-fix myths about losing weight,” Yang says. “Simply put, your weight equals food quantity and your health equals food quality,” You can eat pizza all day and still lose weight if you can burn off more calories than you take in, but it may not be healthy or balanced nutrition. On the other hand, you can eat healthy fruits and salads but still gain weight if you eat more than you need.
Yang’s fitness boot camp currently meets every Wednesday night 7:00 P.M. in a local park. Each class has a feature topic covering the areas of health, wellness, lifestyle, fitness training, and nutrition. The group members share their experiences, challenges, solutions, and strategies. The members then exercise together as a group. The exercise program focuses on total-body workout using bodyweight, dumbbells, exercise bands, and natural landscape in the park.
Outdoor fitness boot camp is a great alternative fitness program for people who want to jump-start their fitness program, exercise in a group, get out of gym rut, or try something new, fun, and different. It’s also more affordable than one-on-one private personal training.
For more information about Yang’s fitness boot camp, visit
About C. Carey Yang
C. Carey Yang, Your Dream Body WorkoutXpert(TM), is a fitness coach and personal trainer based in Denville, New Jersey. He provides in-home personal fitness training, backyard boot camp, wellness and lifestyle coaching, and fitness and weight-management seminar. He specializes in helping busy, working professionals, business owners and parents who want safe, effective workouts with maximum results in minimum time. Yang is the creator of the 6-Step Dream Body Blueprint(TM) Body Transformation System.
To learn more about lifestyle and wellness coaching, personal fitness training and nutritional counseling and to sign up for a free monthly e-zine, receive free fitness and fat loss e-books, and schedule a complimentary consultation, visit
He is also available for media interviews, providing a list of tips and articles, and presenting wellness and fitness seminar. Call 973-303-2424 or email
# # #
Contact Information:
C. Carey Yang
Phone: 973-303-2424
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Morris County Fitness and Weight Loss Summer Boot Camp
In this Meetup group, we promote healthy lifestyle, fitness and weight management through regular support meetings.
We're starting weekly fitness meet-and-exercise Summer Boot Camp meetup on every Wednesday night at 7 pm in Veterans Momorial Park, Parsippany.
Please join us. Visit our group website for details.
The boot camp class is only $10. RSVP and pay now to reserve your spot. Each class is limited to only 10 people.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
DIY Dumbbell Circuit Training Workout Routine 2
Denville NJ Personal Trainer Carey Yang demonstrates dumbbell workout you can do at home or in your backyard.
Perform the following 5 exercies as a circuit workout.
1. Squat & Press
2. Pushup & 1-DB Row (Renegade Rows)
3. Deadlift & Curl
4. Windshield Wipers
5. 1-DB Swing
Choose a pair of dumbbells that are challenging enough for you to do 10 to 15 reps for each exercise. Do 2 to 4 sets on non-consecutive days.
Visit for sign up for FREE ebooks and special reports to help you build muscle, lose fat and uncover 6-pack abs.
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get notified of the next FREE workout video uploaded.